Generic Gym Resolution 

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/01/2018 at 09:10 • Filed to: Fitness Butt Into a Compact Car

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 3

Weighed in at 225 lbs (102 kg) this morning. I decided to cut down and make calisthenics my primary focus this year. I made a lot of strength gains last year but Im not pleased with how much my motion, control, and durability are dropping off.

Im going to keep it basic and work up to doing the harder versions of the fundamental movements like below:

I do like seeing the stuff these kids are doing nowadays as a workout, but this aint happening this year.


Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Wobbles the Mind
01/01/2018 at 10:52


I feel you..I’m 215# and wanting to drop down to 195-200. Set a goal that won’t compromise your strength gains. I like obstacle racing because you can cruise most of the obstacles, leaving you to focus on the running.

Or another option — keep doing strength workout, but extend your warmup to something like 3x20 or 3x30 burpees. Or dedicate a day or two a week to Tabata intervals. You’ll stay strong but will lean out pretty quicky. I sometimes joke that a 225# guy is just a 175# guy training with a weight vest.

Kinja'd!!! nermal > Wobbles the Mind
01/01/2018 at 12:38


If you’re not already, dedicate at least one day a week to doing yoga. There are about a bazillion videos on YouTube that you can follow along with.

I’ve found it to have several benefits. It helps with strengthening secondary muscle groups, leading to better athletic performance. Same goes for flexibility. It’s also quite relaxing, the best part is at the end of most of the routines where you just lay on the floor for a minute with your eyes closed.

Kinja'd!!! Textured Soy Protein > Wobbles the Mind
01/04/2018 at 13:25


Your shoes remind me of this guy at my gym. He’s a black guy in his 60s, really smart guy in the random conversations I’ve had with him, who uses headphones that look like they came with an 80s Walkman, and is the only person I’ve ever seen manage to make the ultimate dad shoe Nike Monarchs (he has the white/grey/yellow colorway you can’t get anymore) look stylish.

